End User License Agreement or the infamous EULA gets thrown at our face every time we try to install a software. Many of us don't even bother reading the long licence agreement and simply clicks "I Agree" as soon as we see it. But by doing this we also 'Agree' to open our computer to all kinds of applications that the software manufacturer wishes to forward. It can, in some cases, be third party applications to monitor our online or offline activities or even malwares and ad-wares.
So what can we do to avoid this? eh. Read the EULA ofcourse. Or let someone or something read it for you.
On the startup page of the application click on 'Scan new license agreement' under the heading EULAlyzer Scan to analyze a new EULA. On the next page you can paste the license agreement of the software you wish to analyze. The application also has cool feature to automatically capture the contents of a License Agreement without having to copy and paste. Click and drag the + icon, located at the lower side of the page, over the license agreement text and Eulalyzer automatically copies the text for you. On clicking the button called Analyze you are taken to the Analysis Results page which lists the interesting keywords that EULAlyzer came across while running the analysis. The flagged text area represents the interesting words and phrases and the interest level of the word rated in a scale of 10 is shown right next to it. Clicking on the green arrow highlights the sentence in which the word occurs in the license agreement text. Read the sentence to make sure the application does not install any malwares or adwares in your computer. You can also submit the EULA for further analysis to the EULA Research Center by clicking on the "Submit Online" button. If you want you can also save the EULA on your hard disk and can later analyze or submit online.
The software also contains a pro version which has a feature called EULA-Watch which automatically detects most license agreements while you install a software and analyzes them. But for most users the free version is more than enough.
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